Telegram is currently considered the hottest messaging app in the world, We Introduced telegram Marketing automated Software which helps you Send bulk Messages along with Media files in seconds. Explore More Features…

Send Bulk Messages
Import telegram user id’s and send bulk messages to telegram users for marketing. Start promoting your software or service.
Send Bulk Media Files
Import telegram user id’s and send bulk messages to telegram users for marketing. Start promoting your software or service.
Group Bulk Message Sender
Send bulk messages to telegram group members. You don’t need to a member of that group or admin of that telegram group.
Export Competitor’s Users
Export your competitor’s telegram group members and add to your own group. Excellent way to grow your telegram group members.
Add Contact From Phone
The software will add phone numbers to your contacts quickly. A smart way to create more contacts
Export Telegram User ID’s
Search by telegram group address and export telegram group members ID”s (username format) to a text file.
Check User Exists In Contact
The software can check username or phone numbers and delete users that don’t exist. Save your time
Create-Add Member Channel
Start creating your own marketing channel and increase the number of members for channel. Best way to grow your telegram channel members.
Viking Telegram Tool is an all in one telegram marketing software. You can export members from your competitor’s telegram group and add them to your group or send bulk messages to any group members. You can also export telegram group member’s user ids to a text file by using our tool.The software can also create channels and increase channel members quickly and efficiently. It’s safe with Telegram TOS because we are using telegram API. Exporting your competitor’s most active group members is the best way to grow your group.
Contact if you need more information Live chat with us.
Pricing Plans And Options
Simple, flexible, and predictable pricing. Choose which package is best suited for you.

Telegram Bulk Sender
| PRICE: 150$ - 250$